Simplicity in Animation

Some lessons learned on why it’s always better to simplify than complicate (Via AnimationMentor Blog)

Animation & Visual Music

How music adds interesting unique beats to animation (Via AnimationMentor Blog)

Planning: Thumbnails

Notes on the use of thumbnails using Ratatouille and Cars as examples.

Planning: The Incredibles

Planning of one of the sequences from the film The Incredibles and the importance that planning had for this sequence.

Shapes & Lines

The use of shapes/lines through the composition and posing of our characters can really help make our characters more dynamic and stronger.

Status & Personal Space

While status and personal space in composition are very vast areas to talk about, I wanted to pass some things I think about when it comes to these areas.


A few notes I wanted to pass on based on my own experience animating and thinking about eyebrows.

Thought Process

The unspoken dialogue. The thoughts reflected and what we say without saying anything.